Save the date: The 19th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling

7 - 10 september 2025


This 19th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling – organised by VITO and EnergyVille and  under the supervision of IEA DHC, is a research conference aiming to explore development opportunities and issues in the district heating and cooling (DHC) industry, to share innovative research results, and to promote international technical exchanges to achieve green, efficient and smart development of the global DHC industry.


Experts, scholars, industry practitioners and policy researchers from all over the world are welcome to register for this unique symposium, so they can gather to share new knowledge, or gain new insights.

Preliminary Programme

  • 7 September 2025; 19.00-20.30: Welcome reception at M-Hotel, Genk
  • 8-9 September 2025; Two full days of technical and scientific presentations, poster sessions and discussion at Thor Central, Genk
  • 10 September 2025; Technical tours


The detailed programme will be published in the weeks leading up to the 19th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling.

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