Webinar Energy Efficient Solutions for Sustainable District Heating

28 mei 2020

9.00 uur - 10.00 uur


Prijs voor deelnemers:

Sweden is a pioneer when it comes to sustainable energy solutions. Today, 55% of all homes and commercial buildings are heated by district heating and the Swedish model is being implemented in countries all over the world. Hence, a wide-ranging eco-system of competitive technologies and services have developed in the country.


On Thursday 28 May, the Embassy of Sweden, together with the Swedish Trade and Invest Council host a webinar “Energy Efficient Solutions for Sustainable District Heating”. This webinar introduces the Swedish district heating system and how Sweden has developed a unique ecosystem of efficient technologies, competitive companies, and sustainable solutions. With current energy transition in the Netherlands, and large-scale projects on the horizon, there is an opportunity to learn from the Swedish success story.


Webinar registration 
Please join us next Thursday to learn more, including to hear case studies of how Swedish solutions have made an impact in district heating projects globally. You can register to join by using this link – and please forward to colleagues who may find the subject interesting.

– Annika Markovic, Ambassador of Sweden to the Netherlands
– Paul Westin, Senior Business Developer, Swedish Energy Agency
– Mårten Ahlm, Business Developer HVAC, Alfa Laval
– Johan de Cuyper, CEO, Cetetherm

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