7 december: Dutch Virtual District Heating Visit to Denmark

7 december 2021

09.30 tot 15.30 uur


Prijs voor deelnemers:

Prijs voor niet-deelnemers:

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the ”2021 Virtual Delegation Visit to Denmark”. This visit will be virtual! Nevertheless, I hope you will all be active partners in making this a success with a lot of interaction, learning and discussions.


With help from the organisers, speakers and hosts we have tried hard to create a program that will include presentations, videos, discussions, and workshops. We are many highly dedicated specialists in the same virtual bus – that should be the perfect place for a lot of interaction.

See you in Denmark December 7th!


Best regards,

Jarl Frijs-Madsen

Ambassador of Denmark


For registration please contact Jacob Rothaus Stendys by November 29th on jacste@um.dk

Download the leaflet of the Dutch Virtual District Heating Visit to Denmark.

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