Networking Seminar on Excess Heat, Embassy of Denmark in Den Haag

24 september 2024

van 11.00 tot 14.30 uur

Den Haag (exacte locatie wordt bekend gemaakt na aanmelding)

Prijs voor deelnemers:

Each year in the EU, 2800 TWh of heat is emitted into the atmosphere as wasted heat, corresponding to approximately the same amount of energy used for heating and cooling. Turning this wasted heat into usable excess heat holds an enormous, cost-effective potential for decarbonising our heat supply, while increasing the overall efficiency and resiliency of the whole energy system.


In the Netherlands alone, figures from the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate indicate that currently available excess heat could contribute with as much as 125 PJ of energy, corresponding to more than 30% of the projected space heat demand by 2040.


Despite its vast potential, excess heat is still a largely untapped resource. Municipalities have been given a leading role as they take responsibility for heat planning, but the task remains a complex one. Market parties need clarity on the direction of regulation, and citizens need clarity on which technologies will be the most cost-effective and sustainable option for them. Therefore, the heat transition in the Netherlands has yet to assume its full pace.


In order to take the heat transition to the next level, the Embassy of Denmark will bring together excess heat generators, district heating network operators, equipment manufacturers, heat planners, and regulators for a networking seminar to discuss and share experiences, and to get some inspiration from both countries on how to realize the untapped potential that excess heat and district heating offers.


On September 24th, we are pleased to bring together stakeholders to establish new connections and collaborations, all so that we can take this crucial transition to the next level. This networking event takes place from 11.00 -14.30 hrs in The Hague, followed by a buffet lunch.

Please find the program below, and RSVP with contact information of those from your organization who would like to participate to Jessica,, by Monday, 15 July 2024. You will receive more information, including the event venue, after you have signed up.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Jessica.


Program for the Excess Heat Networking Seminar

11.00 hrs         Arrival and Refreshments (coffee, tea, water)

11.15 – 11.20   Welcome by Ulf Melgaard, Incoming Ambassador of Denmark to the Netherlands
                         Reflections on the Dutch – Danish Cooperation

11.20 – 11.30  Introduction to the program by the moderator, Morten Duedahl,
                         Business Development Manager, Danish Board of District Heating, DBDH

11.30 – 11.50  Susana Paardekooper, PhD, Team Leader, Danish Energy Agency
                        Regulation, Incentives and Barriers for Excess Heat Including Q/A

11.50 – 12.10  Representative from the Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate Policy
                        of the Netherlands
                        How the forthcoming legislation stimulates the use of excess heat Including Q/A

12.10 – 12.30  Brian Seeberg, CEO, Project Zero
                         Municipal Energy Transition – Public / Private Partnerships and
                         Heat Transition in the Danish city of Sønderborg

12.30 – 12.40  Summary by the Moderator

12.40 – 13.00  Dutch and Danish Cases: Making Use of Excess Heat
                         Danish Case: Frederik Rugaard, Head of District Cooling and Waste Heat, 
                         Høje Taastrup Fjernvarme 
                         Award winning Sector Integration at Høje Taastrup District Heating, incl Q/A

13.00 – 13.20  Dutch Case: Theo Venema, Senior Business Developer, WarmteStad Groningen
                         WarmteStad’s Vision: How WarmteStad has cracked the code on integrating
                         data center excess heat and solar thermal

13.20 – 13.30  Wrap Up of Seminar by Moderator

13.30 – 14.30   Buffet Lunch & Networking           
14.30                 End of Event


Please RSVP to Jessica at by latest 15 July 2024

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