14 oktober 2021
12.00 tot 18.00 uur
TU Delft | X (Mekelweg 10)
14 oktober 2021
12.00 tot 18.00 uur
TU Delft | X (Mekelweg 10)
This event will bring together stakeholders from governmental, commercial and scientific institutions, to present and discuss the current trends and opportunities for low temperature readiness of the building stock. The event will combine a networking platform and presentations covering diverse aspects involved in the LT-Ready transition, from the building, networks and users perspectives. You are cordially invited to join this event on 14 October that starts from 12.00 with a lunch.
Keynotes by:
Manja Thiry, Managing Director Heat at Eneco
Jan van Beuningen, Ministry of BZK
Three parallel sessions on the following topics:
Building Requirements
• What level of insulation is needed for a comfortably heated home?
• How far can temperature in existing systems be lowered without comfort losses?
Speakers: Paula van den Brom (TUD) (tbd); Prateek Wahi (TUD) Andrea Forzoni (Deltares); Sabine Jansen (Ministry of BZK
Buildings users/acceptability/post occupancy
• What are the experiances on acceptability with moving to LT Ready?
• What can we learn from executed projects?
Speakers: Edwin van Kessel (BeNext); Stella Boess (TUD) (tbd); Paul Das (Bos Installatiewerken
Impact on energy netwerk
• What is the impact on the electricity network?
• What is the impact on thermal networks?
Speakers: Rard Rijcken (Eteck); Eelco Fortuin (Zonnet project); Richard Ruijtenbeek (City of Amsterdam); Roelof Potters (Alliander)